Pizza bakers Norway

Information about the position:

We are looking for Pizza bakers for s a fulltime position.

You can expect a hectic environment, so you should handle stress well and enjoy working with a high tempo. We are looking for Pizza baker with a positive attitude who will also contribute positively to our staff and work environment. We serve Italian food and Italian wines.

Required language skill in English and more than 3 years of experience.

Working hours and place of work: Permanent, fulltime, shift.

About the company:

The 2nd of August 2013 we opened a new Italian restaurant in Trondheim ( is external)).

The restaurant’s main focus is the perfect Italian pizza, and multiple delights such as pasta, meat and fish dishes. Our company holds several Italian restaurants and one Italian cafe in Trondheim.

To get an impression of our restaurants, please take a look at our website:

Una Pizzeria e Bar can host around 300 guests (includes both inside and outside the restaurant), and on hectic days we serve around 1000 warm dishes. We seek to keep the Italian culture in the restaurant. The kitchen staff is today build up by mostly Italians whereas the waiter staff has a multicultural combination. We seek to keep the Italian culture in the kitchen.

The kitchen staff today is build up by mostly Italians.

The kitchen is open every day from 11 am till 11 pm,

Sundays from 12 pm till 10 pm.

Information about the position:

We are looking for a person who loves being in the kitchen.

We offer a full-time (160-170 hours pr month) permanent position as a chef.

The everyday tasks will include preparing the main course or pasta depends on what the candidate likes, he/she will need to follow the HACCP-system requirements.

We seek a person who is well experienced with Italian cuisine, both traditional dishes, and modern dishes.

Requirements: The applicant must have well-documented relevant experience as a chef. You

should have at least 3 years of work experience as a chef. You must also be service minded,

structured and tidy. In the kitchen, you can count on hectic days and should enjoy high speed.

Required language skill in English.

Wages: 26 000– 32 000 gross pr. Month (2600–3200 EURO), depending on experience and


Housing: The employer will assist in finding housing.

Contract type: permanent, full-time, evening and daytime.


How to apply:

Please send an e-mail



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Offro Lavoro
Pizzeria a Chamonix (Francia) cerca secondo pizzaiolo, deve avere molta esperienza in forno. Siamo molto orgogliosi e ci prendiamo cura del nostro lavoro, quindi i candidati devono essere sinceramente appassionati di questo lavoro e prendersi cura di mantenere una perfetta coerenza. Ottime condizioni di lavoro per la persona giusta. Deve parlare almeno un po’ di inglese o francese. Cathleen – WhatsApp 0033673122619

Vuoi aprire una pizzeria?

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