Pizzaiolo e Cuoco

We are looking for Employees for Rødgaard Camping on Fanø – come and be part of our fantastic team!

In recent years, we have experienced great growth at Rødgaard Camping, both in our Italian Restaurant and on the Campsite.

Here’s a little about us:
Rødgaard Camping is a camp site on the little island FANØ, just of the west coast in Denmark. We have around 250 camping units, different lille cabins and glamping tents.
At the campsite there are two large playgrounds, mini golf and a newly built Padel course.
In addition, we have a large Restaurant with indoor play area and bread sales in the morning.
We also have 2 big buildings with sanitary facilities.

We have many different tasks, as we are a small company that spans over a wide range of work. From maintenance on the camp site to cooking in the kitchen.
If you have qualifications that can cover several of these work tasks, it would be a big advantage, but not a necessity.
We are looking for both full time and half time. Also for couples.
We speak English, German and Italian.

We need:
– Pizza chef
– Cook
– Servants
– Cleaning assistance
– Handyman
– All rounder

Depending on your qualifications and skills, the season could start beginning of April and run until the end of September.
But we also hire staff for shorter periods. We work 6 days a week and approx. 40 hours a week depending on the season.
Salary depending on qualifications. We also offer food and accumondation.

At Rødgaard Camping, we work closely together, and we all contribute to achieving our common goals. Happy Guest!
Here we believe, a happy employee is giving a better service. As an employee, you are therefore an important part of our team, and you work closely with the managers and other talented colleagues from several different nations.

We are looking forward to hear from you. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Yours sincerely
Louise & Walter

Rødgaard Camping
Kirkevejen 13
6720 Fanø – Denmark
Phone: +45 75163311

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Offro Lavoro
Pizzeria a Chamonix (Francia) cerca secondo pizzaiolo, deve avere molta esperienza in forno. Siamo molto orgogliosi e ci prendiamo cura del nostro lavoro, quindi i candidati devono essere sinceramente appassionati di questo lavoro e prendersi cura di mantenere una perfetta coerenza. Ottime condizioni di lavoro per la persona giusta. Deve parlare almeno un po’ di inglese o francese. Cathleen – WhatsApp 0033673122619

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